For some time now, I felt this pull that I was supposed to be doing something else other than what I was already doing with my life. While highly successful in my career as a project manager, I remember telling my best friend, as I stared out the window that “ I feel like I am supposed to be doing something else”. This pull tugged at my heart and mind for years to follow but mostly went ignored - not for lack of trying but because I didn’t know how to act upon it until recently.
I always felt that I had something to say but would talk myself out of it because: 1. I wasn’t a writer & 2. I was afraid of people knowing the real, sometimes tragic me. But like I said, until recently! I became a mother to an angelic human-being who literally lit my soul on fire the moment I lied eyes on him, laying in that hospital bed. As I held him, I cried inconsolably because he was here! Not knowing at the time that he was exactly what my heart had been missing all along. Caring for him in the days to come in that hospital, I knew I couldn’t fail, I couldn’t flounder, I couldn’t be timid. I was a Mom!
In the months to come that feeling of knowing I was supposed to do something more became even louder but this time I knew I was going to do something about it. I was going to find out exactly what God placed me here to do - beside being a wife and mother, which I’m still in awe of to this day.
Subsequently, my walk with God became much closer. I prayed to him numerous times throughout the day and asked him to show me what I was called to do, my purpose. And on this journey of praying and reading my daily devotional, I felt this tugging that God had something for me to say. There were lives that I was supposed to impact with my story. And miraculously, I came across an excerpt from the book, Your Story Matters written by Leslie Leyland Fields, that was the revelation I needed to come out of the shadows of fear and shine a bright light on my life - not only for me but for others. So! Here I am a willing vessel ready to share with you, but most importantly myself, what this journey has taught me thus far.
Welcome to GINCE! I created GINCE with a mission to help others by sharing my own life experiences and the lessons learned along the way. Take some time to explore the blog and find what sparks your interest.