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How to Get the Most Out of Your Weekend


Updated: Nov 21, 2022

Recently, I was speaking with a friend about her plans for the weekend and she expressed the internal struggle a lot of us have - ‘how do I make the most out of the 48 hours of downtime I have each weekend, without overtiring myself for the week ahead?’

Much like my friend I have found myself, in the past, doing one of two things - running myself ragged with errands and social events, I have planned, or throwing the blanket over my head and not coming back out until Monday morning. But there has to be a better balance, right? There has to be a way you can allow yourself to be social, while also doing some restoratives things that set you up well for the work week ahead.

While no two weekends are alike here are some self-tested tips I have used to make the get out of my weekend:

Wake up without the alarm

Where possible, get a few extra moments of shut eye. Allow yourself to sleep in longer than you can during the weekday. If not sleeping, lie around, rather than jumping out of bed when the alarm sounds. For parents, this can be a bit more difficult to achieve, especially if your children are early risers - but maybe even just a slower pace starting the day can provide you with some restorative effects. This could include taking time to make and eat a leisurely breakfast with the family or letting the kids watch their favorite cartoon on the couch with you.

Be Intentional with your time

We can all agree that the weekend is never quite long enough but being intentional with your time can make the weekend appear longer. Having a plan, will allow you to achieve the things you would like while still maintaining some ‘me time’, as well. This plan, loosely structured, could include, completing a few to-do list items and then meeting friends for dinner or going to the movies. Be sure to include some downtime in your plan to recharge and disconnect from the daily hustle. Know that you don’t need to account for every moment throughout the weekend, just keep the high points in mind.


One of the best ways to relieve stress after a hectic week, would be to exercise. Scientific evidence has shown that exercise is a great addition to your lifestyle, for maintaining good overall mental health - reducing anxiety and depression. You can choose to do this at any point during the weekend, but I find starting my Saturday off with a quick 30-minute aerobic session, kick starts my day. Even a brisk stroll around the neighborhood can get those endorphins going to lower your stress level, while doing something good for your body longterm.

Insert some fun

I have found that a weekend void of fun feels like one long extended work week. Fun, defined by each individual, gives you something to look forward to every week. This could be as small as a Starbucks run or a scheduled spa day.

What does your ideal weekend look like? Remember, making the most out of the weekend is all about balance. Create a routine that includes some restorative moments as well as social events or errands. The point is to not over rotate in either direction.



Sharma, A., Madaan, V., & Petty, F. D. (2006). Exercise for mental health. Primary care companion to the Journal of clinical psychiatry. Retrieved November 5, 2022, from

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