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5 Ways to Simplify your life


Updated: Nov 21, 2022

If you took a small survey of your friends and asked them how to simplify your life, you'd likely receive completely different answers from each person. So what is the simple life? Thoughts of the simple life may evoke pictures of a slow paced life living in the countryside or choosing to live off the grid, roughing it on your own.

Finding simplicity in life will mean different things for different people. The best way I have heard it described is a life filled with as few self imposed complications as possible. Simply put, identify the things that bring your life value and seek to remove anything that doesn’t make the list.

Looking for guidance to begin your journey to simplifying your life? Here are 5 practical tips to get started.

Make good use of your time

Time is a limited resource so it is imperative that you prioritize what is important. Proper time management is also an essential component to increasing productivity and success. This involves evaluating your current daily requirements and lending time to what brings the most value.

In the book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey introduces the Time Management Matrix to assist with time prioritization. The matrix is divided into quadrants:

Effective time management requires that you avoid quadrants 3 and 4 - Urgent/Not Important & Not Urgent/Not Important, respectively - due to the low value return by comparison to the time input. The more awareness you have on where you allocate your time, the easier it will become to simply your life.

Learn to say "No"

Learning to be assertive but courteous when responding to external requests of you can be just what the doctor ordered. Often times we feel guilted to assist or become involved in things we wouldn’t otherwise, had someone not requested it. Whether done intentionally or not, people can make you feel obligated to - fill in the blank. If you struggle with people-pleasing this will take some practice but firmly saying “No” to requests that are not in alignment with you can be empowering. Saying no also allows you the opportunity to establish healthy boundaries in your relationships - serving to reduce the risk of resentment and unmet expectations.

Develop positive relationships

Be honest and upfront about what you need from your relationships. Nothing ruins the potential for a great relationship, of any kind, like unexpressed expectations. Whether looking for a partner or friends, let people know at the beginning what your boundaries are and look to understand theirs also. Going along, to get along or pretending will end poorly in the long run - causing unnecessary turmoil in your life. Everyone deserves supportive, nurturing relationships, so do yourself a favor and be honest about your expectations and goals. I’d add that it’s important to remain cognizant that people change through time so do not become complacent. There is always more to learn, new levels to grow toward.

Tackle your finances

Set a budget and stick to it! Setting aside time periodically to review your budget and financial goals can be a great tool to simplify your life. Some strategies to simplifying your finances include closing unused accounts, setting a plan to consolidate and pay off debt, saving each month and living within your means. Whether you have plans to pay off student loans, buy a home or set up a 529 savings plan for your kids, you must know exactly where your income is going. You’d probably be as shocked as I was to learn just how much money you spend on those morning coffee runs. That’s not to say you can’t enjoy these sorts of things, just put them into your budget. Simplifying your finances and sticking to the budget can be daunting but the long term returns for your future make it well worth the effort.

Do more of what you love

File this tip under self-care. Most of us rush through life often taking on more than we can handle in our careers and personal lives, resulting in burnout. While you may not be able to remove every undesirable requirement as an adult, you can certainly insert more things that bring joy. Make it a point to allow space for restorative things such as reading, going for a walk, painting, etc. For some this could mean after a hectic day at the office, volunteering your time at the local Boys & Girls Club or designing new pieces for your personal jewelry line. Doing more of what you love makes your life more enjoyable by allowing you to set aside time to do things that make you feel good physically, mentally & spiritually.

Life will have you running around with your hair set ablaze if you let it. Take control of the things you can to implement more balance and simplicity in your life.

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